QuadTree LOD System Applied on a Procedurally Generated Planet Using 3D Simplex Noise in Unity

QuadTree LOD System Applied on a Procedurally Generated Planet Using 3D Simplex Noise in Unity

QuadTree LOD System Applied on a Procedurally Generated Planet Using 3D Simplex Noise in Unity

QuadTree LOD System Applied on a Procedurally Generated Planet Using 3D Simplex Noise in Unity

This project was done in the course DH2323 Computer Graphics and Interaction during the Spring semester of 2022 at KTH. I worked on it with Adam Cerven and Sindri Pétursson. In the project we implemented procedural generation on a planet that could be randomized and a level of detail system using QuadTrees. The project was developed in the Unity 3D Game Engine.

We used Simplex noise to randomize the terrain. The noise was used to generate different heights on the planet. The noise values went from -1 to 1 and the negative values were counted as 0 to give the appearance of oceans on the planet. A shader was then implemented on the height to make the ocean appear deep, shores appear yellow, land green and mountains brown with white tops. This would give the planet an earth like appearance. The QuadTree level of detail system was implemented to be able to render highly detailed terrain the closer you got to the planet.

The three of us worked together on the project the whole time so we were all involved in every aspect of the implementation. I learned a lot how to work with Unity and how to implement different algorithms by making scripts.

Below you can see the blog we made to document the whole process of making the project and a live demo.

Link to website
Link to blog